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Free Personality Test and the Five Factor Model / Myers Briggs Personality Test

Our Personality Test is based on the Big Five Inventory (BFI) which was developed by Oliver P. John, Ph.D. (Martinez and John). The test consists of 44 brief personality descriptors to which the test-taker responds with degree of agreement or disagreement on a 5-point Likert scale. The test has been normed on several hundred thousand adult Americans by Sam Gosling, Ph.D. and J. Potter at the University of Texas (Gosling).

The personality assessment includes insightful information and analysis of the big 5 personality traits which include extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism and openness and combine to provide an insight into your personality types. Other commonly recognized personality type tests that you can take include the Myers Briggs type test.

Personality Theory and the Factor Model

The Big Five Inventory is personality test based and has been placed in the public domain by Dr. John. Therefore, the author Dr. McConochie developed a scoring system for the BFI. McConochie's version of the test developed involves a few additional words to help clarify some items, as he found that some items involved vocabulary, e.g. "aloof", item 27 that was unfamiliar to many adults.

The present author has found the BFI to be quick to administer and score, as valid as or more valid than other brief measures of the Big Five personality traits and of value in clinical and job applicant assessments.

This test can be taken in an individual's free time and includes a report with a description of the individual's scores, with descriptions of the meaning of each level of score (low, average and high). The "Neuroticism" dimension is inverted and termed Emotional Stability to keep all high scores "desirable". Reliability for the five traits of the BFI is adequate.

Individual differences are measured in conventional ways using emotional intelligence scales including Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Neuroticism, and Openness which are part of the Myers Briggs Type indicator.

Applications of Personality Tests

Personality measures of Big Five traits are positively related to business management aptitude measured in terms of decision judgments and preferred management activities. As might be expected, data shows that skill and satisfaction in managing tend to be associated with higher scores on all of the Big Five traits. Managers have to spend much time relating to other people (extroversion), be able to get along with other people (agreeableness), be hard workers (conscientious), be open to learning and changing to change with business climate change (openness) and not unduly prone to depression and anxiety under pressure (emotional stability).

Children with low intelligence, low emotional stability, high extroversion and low agreeableness are perceived by their parents as being "inattentive" and "hyperactive" and draw attention to how individuals differ. Many also have a vivid imagination.

Other Assessments

We also offer a Career Test which uses personality traits to discover what career you are best suited for.