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Career Options Profile

Career Personality Test

COPE Career Options

William A. McConochie, PhD, et al.
License Fee:
$7.95 to view report
Suggested Age:
10 and up

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COPE Description

The Career Options Profile Extraordinaire (COPE) is a battery of psychological tests for anyone over the age of 9. It provides a report of scores with explanations and a detailed profile of your career-relevant psychological traits. The goal is to help guide you in finding the career that best fits your aptitude and disposition to maximize your chance of finding a satisfying career. The profile is normed across the spectrum of intelligence levels and personalities.

The COPE modules begin with measures of Verbal Intelligence; Spatial Intelligence; and the Big Five personality traits: Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Emotional Stability, Openness and Extraversion. These modules are followed by Impulsivity and User/Egoism tendencies; seven types of Job Problem Behaviors, including tendencies toward substance abuse and anger management problems; and a brief measure of Violence-Proneness. The final stage includes a survey of general job conditions to identify your ideal work environment.

William A. McConochie, Ph.D. developed the COPE and the Big Five measures are based on the International Personality Item Pool data which provide normative data of international scope (Goldberg et al., 2006; Johnson, 2014) developed from data collected from hundreds of thousands of users of all ages around the world through the FunEducation site.

The COPE is available to individuals and organizations, such as local school districts, corporations or governmental entities. It can assist parents in guiding children independently or with their local school system. The COPE can be included as a best practice in hiring to match traits of job applicants with existing top-quality employees.

You can also take our Free Personality Test to discover more about your personality type traits or our Free Career Test to discover your ideal career path.

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